Tyranny is off to a strong start among cRPG fans. Obsidian Entertainment and Paradox Interactive havecrafted a riveting adventure in a world where the evil overlordhas won and you act as a Fatebinder enforcing his rule. The gameis party-based, and you can only have four charactersin your party including yourself. If you’re like me, the choice of which companions get to tag along and which stayhome is tough. By takingthe time to lay out each companion’s background, combat style, and motivations, Ican hopefully make that decision a little bit easier.
Jump to a Companion: Verse, Barik, Lantry, Eb, Sirin, or Kills-in-Shadow.
Background: Verse is a Scarlet Fury of the Scarlet Chorus, an accomplished fighter known more for herwild and aggressive style than discipline. Verse is the first companion to join the Fatebinder, and you find out early on that she willingly conscripted into the Scarlet Chorus, something few do.
Combat Style and Talents: Verse’s two talent trees focus on either improving her dual-wielding melee abilities through the Duelisttree or her ranged bow attacks through theSkirmisher tree.
The Duelist tree focuses on Verse’s ability to be a front-line secondary tank and damage dealer through a taunt (Mocking Iron). The tree also grants an increase to defenses when being attacked (Know Your Enemy), the ability to counterattack when an enemy misses (Lethal Opening), and several damage-dealing abilities that add utility and debuff enemies.
TheSkirmisher tree focuses on keeping Verse at a safe distance through bonuses to ranged attacks defense (Nimble, Lightning Reflexes) and bow attacks (Piercing Arrows, Skull Splitter, Canvas Splitter). Keep in mind that through the use of Improvised Attacks (third row in theSkirmishertree), it’s also possible to run Verse as a hybrid melee/ranged fighter, opening up combat from afar before getting up close and personal. Staying away from combat does have its disadvantages, though, thanks toTyranny‘s use-based skill system. Basically, not getting attacked means your defense skills won’t level up as quickly as those in the front lines. At the end of my first playthrough, my front-line fighters were level 18, whereas Verse had JUST hit 14.
Her experience boost talent lies in her Skirmisher tree and affects Bows, Dual Wielding, and Athletics.
Reputation and Combos: Verse respects strengthand the disorder of war. “Feisty and chaotic” actions will draw her Loyalty, whereas “orderly and honorable” actions will increase her Fear. She’s a firm believer that there’s no shame in being an usurper should you prove yourself stronger than your former master.
The default combo ability you gain from having Verse in your party isBlood Soaks Stone,a melee attack where she knocks a target beforeyou follow up with an earth-shattering slam.
Reaching Loyalty (3) with Verse grantsDeath From Above, a deft move where you launch Verse into the air while she shoots 3 trueshot arrows that penetrate armor.
Reaching Fear (3) grants herFury’s Rage, an ability where you conjure a flaming aura around her, dealing damage in an AoE every 3 seconds.
TakeWith You If:
- Your party is in need of ranged damage or a relatively resilient melee fighter.
- You enjoy dialogue with a “survival of the fittest” born killer.
- You want to better understand the motivations of a fighter in the Scarlet Chorus.
Background: Barik is a member of theDisfavored, a fiercely loyal and elite squad of soldiers under the command of the Archon of War,Graven Ashe. Barik is in the unfortunate state of being trapped within a fused suit of weapons and armor, a result of being caught in Kyros’ Edict of Storms.
Combat Style and Talents:One way or another, Barik is a front-line bruiser. HisPunishertree focuses on overwhelmingfoes that are engaging him (Engagement Attack, Striking Iron, Blade’s Embrace), refusing to go down without a fight (Suffering to Strength, Last Stand),and imparting debilitating effects (Fierce Demeanor, Breaking the Wall).
HisSentineltree is more supportive, as he can keep enemies off his friends(Clash of Iron, Defender’s Charge),buff his allies with bonuses tosurvivability (Sound of War, Defender’s Charge/Watch, Bond of Honor, Shield of Suffering), and take a beating (Shield Wall, Wounded Defender, Stance: Phalanx).
Hisexperience boost talent lies in the Punisher Tree (Training Ground) and affects Athletics, One-Handed, and Two-Handed.
Reputation and Combos:Barik goes to great lengths to epitomize the ideal Disfavored solider. He reveres his Archon, socommitting “noble” acts is a sure way to gain his Loyalty. Siding against the Disfavored or committing “barbaric” actions will draw his Fear.
His basic combo ability is Iron Tollling. With this ability, theFatebinder mocks a selected target, decreasing their defense by an enormous amount, all while Barik taunts in an AoE and gains an armor aura.
Reaching Loyalty (3) unlocksIron Storm,a damaging AoE combo where weapons fly from Barik’s armor and land in an area around the Fatebinder.
Fear (3) grantsBlade Grave’s Grasp,an ability that causes enemies around Barik to take a small amount of damage and become petrified.
Take With You If:
- Your party is in need of a tank or a very resilient front-line bruiser.
- You enjoy dialogue with an “honor first” lifetime soldier.
- You want to better understand the motivations of a fighter in theDisfavored.
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Background: Lantryis a sage of the School of Ink and Quill, a school of magic dedicated to the collection and preservation of knowledge. You meetin a precarious situation; he’s been captured, and he faces death at the hands of the Scarlet Chorus after his former home, the Vellum Citadel,has been reduced to a smoldering ruin by Kyros’ Edict of Fire.
Combat Style and Talents:Lantry is the most varied companion in Tyranny, with 3 skill trees to show for it, albeit smaller ones. HisQuilltree focuses on his ability with thrown weapons, withan increase to their accuracy and damage (Penetrating Throw, Deadeye).Skills in this tree can also cause thrown weapon attacks to do area damage (Bouncing Blades, Charged Throw),as well as grant access to stronger abilities (Quill Strike/Flurry, Quill Storm).
HisSage tree represents his thirst for knowledge. Skills in this tree boost his Lore skill, spell slots, and experience gainedfor Lore and thrown weapons (Loremaster, Ancient Knowledge, Learned Instructor,respectively).
Preservation istheskill tree of choice should you want Lantry to be a strong supporter with personal boosts to healing and buffing magic (Gifted Healer/Vigor).With this skill tree, he also has abilities that increase armor, resurrect allies, and deliver a delayed heal (Renewal, Second Breah, Erase the Record). This tree also contains personal survivability boosts(Arcane Shield and Erase the Record)and makes him a surprisingly decent candidate for a secondary front liner. Just make sure to raise his Parry and Dodge skills as soon as possible.
Reputation and Combos:Lantry is a scholar first and foremost. Actions that he perceives as “intellectual” will grant his Loyalty, where being either “rude” or “blustering” will draw his Fear. Lantry respects history and expects you to do so as well.
When Lantry joins your party, you get Quicken. This will heal the Fatebinder and offer a bonus to healing for a shortperiod of time.
Loyalty (3) unlocks Wheel of Ages,an ability where Lantry and the Fatebinder work in tandem to create a slowing aura that debuffs enemies and cleanses hostile affects on allies.
Gaining Fear (3) grantsTheft of Memory, an ability that causes a selected foe to lose access to some abilities, while a targeted ally gains a boost to all attributes.
Take With You If:
- Your party is in need of a healer, ranged damage, or a second-line fighter with a lot of utility.
- You enjoy dialogue with an intellectual mage.
- You want to discover as much about the game’s spell-crafting system as possible through leveling up Lore and finding scrolls in the world.
Background: Ebis a mage formerly of the School of Tides. After the school was soundly defeated by Kyros, she joined up with the Vendrien Guard. Your first interaction with her is a peaceful “ambush” in which she attempts a prisoner exchange. After taking Ascension Hall, she will join your party should you choose to spare her.
Combat Style and Talents:Eb is the the most damage-focused spellcaster inTyranny,with 2 trees focusing on specific schools of magic. HerTidal tree focuses on elemental damage. It has boosts to attacks with Magic Staves (Student of Magic, Clear Mind), passives that increase Spell Damage and AoE (Elemental Fury, Empowered Elements),and several unique abilities to damage and control foes (Repelling Blast/Nova, Mother’s Embrace, Return to the Source).
HerGravelighttree increases her ability to channel the energy of the moon.Terratus Graveallows her to use abilities that alter gravity, and she can siphon health from foes (Gravestrike, Terratus’ Gate) as well as boost her defenses (Runic/Spell Barrier).
The Gravelight tree also includes her XP boosting talent, Runic Teacher which affects Lore, Spells, and Magic Staves.
Reputation and Combos:Eb is a pragmatist drowning in the results of her idealism. Gaining her Loyalty requires showing off your competency and respect for her, whereas being “demanding” or “domineering” will increase her Fear. She is willing to serve under you, but prefers to do so as an (approximate) equal.
Light of the Graveis her basic combo ability, which causes all members in the party to gain a lifesteal effect on their auto-attacks.
Reaching Loyalty (3) will unlockTerratus’ Embrace, wherein the entire party issuspendedoff the ground and arcane energy pulses, healing allies and harming foes.
Heart of the Stormis unlocked at Fear (3) and is a strong buff to the Fatebinder’s weapon, causing it to deal strong AoE shock damage and an interrupt.
Take With You If:
- Your party is in need of a elemental missile turret or a resilient spellcaster with utility.
- You enjoy dialogue with a someone who would never make it past your company’s HR process.
- You want to learn more about the resistance against Kyros in the Tiers.
Background: Sirinis the Archon of Song, in service to the Archon of Secrets, Voices of Nerat. Sirin’s significant magical talent came to fruition at a young age, where she discovered the very real power her voice could convey. She’s not happy to be subservient to the Voices and pulls no punches in letting the Fatebinder know how she despises him. She can be found at Lethian’s Crossingin an inn she has converted into a refuge for her fledgling cult. She may be found there any time after beginning Act 2 (after fulfilling Kyros’ Edict of Execution) regardless of if the player decided to start at Lethian’s Crossing orthe Blade Grave.
Combat Style and Talents:Sirin plays similarly to a classic Bard or a Chanter from Pillars of Eternity. She has several passive songs that she sings, benefiting allies and felling foes in an area. After singing for a long enough period, she can unleash stronger but smaller AoE spells called Arias. A new passive song becomes available for purchase every level starting at 7, and they are bought with talent points.
HerPeacetree grants her passives that make her very difficult and even impossible to engage or crit (Disarming Guise, Guise of Innocence). It also unlocks Arias and abilities that protect her party (Aria of Resolve, Reviving Song, Aria of Respite) and grants her larger AoEs for her songs (Crystalline Control). Additionally, the tree also adds the ability to bank her resource for casting Arias outside of battle (Sustained Breath).
TheWar tree touches on Sirin’s more rebellious side, as it includesArias that disable and damage enemies (Arias of Force, Resonance, Pain, Storms, and Nightmares) and passives that rebuke those who attack her (Vengeful Pitch, Cry of Depair, Resonant Field). Additionally, this tree also grants passives that boost her progressions, causingsongs to complete more quickly (Rapid Tempo) and her Aria resource of Breath to generate faster (Quick Breath).
Her XP boost talent is in the Peace tree (Inspiration) and boosts Magic and Subterfuge.
Reputation and Combos:Sirin maintains a moral backbone despite the horrors she witnessed both as a child with uncontrollable power and as the recruitment arm of the Scarlet Chorus. She may act like a brat, but the best way to gain her Loyalty is through acts of kindness and trustworthiness, whereas acts of cruelty will cause her to Fear you.
Shattered Stone is her first combo ability, and it causes a stone to shatter around the Fatebinder, dealing strong damage and dazing enemies in an AoE.
Reaching Loyalty (3) unlocksSong of Benediction, which lifts her off the ground,makes her untargetable, cleansesallies of harmful effects, and prevents certaineffects for a brief time.
Fear (3) unlocksSong of Paralysis,which functions similarly toSong of Benediction, but paralyzes enemies instead of cleansing allies.
Take With You If:
- Your party is in need of buffingor debuffing support.
- You enjoy dialogue with someone who is fighting to retain some sense of morality a world where evil won.
- You want to learn more about what it means to be an Archon.
Background: Kills-in-Shadowis a member of thebeastrace.Looked down upon for their savagery by most people of the Tiers, beasts have had to fight for their survival by tooth and nail. When you are ambushed by Kills-in-Shadow in the Blade Grave, she is leading a pack ofStonestalker Tribebeasts, as she is the last member of her former tribe and desires to lead. She’s heard of the Fatebinder and wishes to join her power with yours in order to survive the onslaught of Kyros’ armies.
Combat Style and Talents:Kills-in-Shadow is a hulking melee beast in combat. HerTitantree allows her to use two-handed weapons with one-handed accuracy bonuses, while her Ravager tree allows her to act as an assassin through strong unarmed attacks and attacks from stealth.
TheTitan tree grants bonuses to elemental resistance as well as passive boosts to health throughAdaptationtalents. The tree grants her abilities that debilitate enemies(Breaking Iron, Trample, Blood Spike, Snapping Bone) as well as boost her capabilities while wounded(Scars if Battle, Relentless). It also increases her tanking abilities (Pack Leader, Seize Prey).
HerRavagertree grants massive bonuses to unarmed attacks (Natural Weaponry, Rending Claws), grants her increased proficiency when attacking from stealth (Leaping/Shadow of Death, Tooth and Nail), and unlocks powerful abilities (Claw Swipe, Disembowel).
Her XP boost talent lies in theRavagertree and affects Subterfuge, Unarmed, and One-Handed skills.
Reputation and Combos:Kills-in-Shadow is simple. She knows what she wants and is loyal to those who are also dominant and straightforward. She doesn’t like a Fatebinder who is weak or works in underhanded ways.
Her default combo ability is Stampede,a charge attack where both she and the Fatebinder rush a target, stunning and bleeding it.
Reaching Loyalty (3) grantsSky Blade, an attack where Kills-in-Shadow launches the Fatebinder in the air, causing youto land at the target location with a mighty blast, all while dealing damage and buffing yourmelee attacks.
Fear (3) unlocksShadowhunter’s Cloud,an ability where Kills-in-Shadow pounds the ground, blinding and knocking enemies with damaging reverberations.
Take With You If:
- Your party is in need of a high-damage tank or an assassin.
- You enjoy dialogue with someone who’s single-minded in their lust for combat and vengeance.
- You want to learn more about what it means to be anoppressed species in the Tiers.
Want to learn more about Tyranny? Visit the Tyranny Wiki on Gamepedia.
Bryan Herren
Pairing a love of DOTA 2 with traditional sports statistics, Bryan previously worked as a statsman for internationally renowned gaming tournaments. He thenjoined the Beyond the Summit crew to help design and develop several features for the game, such as Teamfight Recap. Now, he lives in Alabama with his wife and works as a freelance production assistant and writer.